
Have I invented a whole new fiction genre?

Have I invented a whole new fiction genre? Or have I written a book that no one will read?

One of the golden rules of marketing is to go niche. Or even ‘ultra niche’. The idea is to dissect a larger market, identifying smaller sub-niche ones to focus on and dominate. This niche market typically has a need that is not serviced well. And then if you come along with a specific solution laser-targeted at this new niche then you can build a strong business. That’s the theory anyway.

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How I created an authentic flawed hero for my novel while dodging cliches and stereotypes

The hero of my novel is a computer hacker called Brody. In coming up with his personality, I wanted to move away from the stereotypical nerd figure that permeates our culture. You know, a teenager who looks like Harry Potter, can’t speak to anyone in person, stays up all night drinking full-fat coke, has pasty-white skin through lack of stimulation of melanin and has no concept of fashion. If I wrote my book with this person as the main character no one would read it – it’s all be done before.

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